More About the Author "jennie10"

Author Nick: jennie10

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PowerPoint 2003 Presentation Crashes On Saving

Being an extensive user of Microsoft PowerPoint, you are aware of the amount of efforts which goes in making a presentation. After toiling, you would never want a presentation to crash or disappear in an unusual manner. Sadly, this is not an imaginary situation. PowerPoint presentations often experience crash and leave data inaccessible, thus rendering […]

Word Repair Tool – Microsoft Word, .DOC and .DOCX Lost Files Recovery Problem

Are you looking for recovery of your important .doc or .docx file, MS Word lost formatted deleted Word document? Are you thinking how fix this problem fixed and get all data in its original working state? Well there are many ways to repair word corrupted files! Microsoft Word files and documents can be damage or […]

Need for Quickbooks File Verification and Rebuilding

Intuit QuickBooks is a highly reliable accounting software used for financially-related business processes and has come of age since its inception. Despite the power packed features including double-entry book keeping, inventory management, tracking and payment of sales tax, creating and delivery of invoices, and many more offered by the software, its files are prone to […]