More About the Author "jerameythompson"

Author Nick: jerameythompson
Name: Jeramey Thompson
About the Author: Jeramey Thompson is dedicated to helping others by sharing the tips and techniques that he has discovered. He writes on health, ERP software and travel. His articles on herbal remedies and natural health have been appreciated by readers worldwide.

Articles by jerameythompson :

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Sunburn Causes and Home Remedies

Sunburn refers to the charring of skin due to over-exposure to sunrays or sun-equivalent sources like welding arcs, tanning lamps etc. The ultraviolet radiation of sun inflames the skin and causes much discomfort. Sun exposure results in increased production of melanin, a protective skin pigment which is dark in color. This explains why the skin […]

Stretch Marks – Causes And Natural Home Remedies

Stretch mark is a common phenomenon associated with periods of hormonal flux. Rapid weight gain during those periods pulls the elastic fibers located beneath the epidermis and disrupts the normal production of the collagen protein make-up of the fibers, resulting in fine lines on the skin, called stretch marks. It is medically termed as striae […]

Stress Causes and Natural Home Remedies

The modern era has brought in to our lives numerous modern amenities to help us be in tune with a life that is moving at jet speed. Modernity has bombarded us with multiple options to realize our goals and attain a high profile status in life. Blinded by the glamour and pomp of such a […]

Sterility – Causes And Home Remedies

Sterility refers to the state of being infertile or the incapacity to beget off-springs. Sterility can affect both men and women. If a woman does not conceive inspite of trying for one complete year, any one of the two partners could be sterile. A man’s fertility is governed by the testicles which must produce healthy […]

Tinnitus Cure – Ringing in the Ears Treatment

Tinnitus, characterized by perception of ringing, hissing or buzzing sound in ears in the absence of sound source is a condition occurring as the symptom of ear problems. Intensity of sound perception varies from person to person according to the severity of infection. It affects one or both the ears and can be of high […]