More About the Author "JeremyMervin"

Author Nick: JeremyMervin
Name: Jeremy Mervin
About the Author: Author is an expert technical writer for senior citizen websites who specializes in senior citizen article writing. For more information on senior citizens, please visit Link Senior Living

Articles by JeremyMervin :

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What is Dementia?

“Dementia” is a phrase which refers to a disease citing to set of mental conditions like Parkinson’s disease, vascular dementia, dementia with Lewy Bodies and Fronto-temporal dementia. However, it is mostly associated to aging and a disease called Alzheimer’s. It often disintegrates individual aspects like awareness, perception, reasoning and judgment which are important part of […]

Living Alone with Dementia

Each individual living with dementia is distinctive and so is the circumstance he is living in.  Some of them are part of their family or may be living with one family member however few are who live alone with such disease. And reason for living alone could be person’s personal decision or may be a […]

Is It the Right Time for Assisted Living?

As the time moves, we grow older and so are our parents. You might notice your mom or dad facing difficulty handling their daily basic activities. They tend to forget having meals on time, skip their medications, preparing meal for themselves is becoming a trouble. All these things make you think has the time come […]

How to Choose the Assisted Living for Your Parents

Most of our parents would never require support in their day-to-day activities. However, some would still be looking for help with variety of tasks such as bathing, dressing, cooking and so on. Some of them need to be reminded to have their meals on time and keep their medication management in place so that they […]

Help with Moving Your Parent(s) to Assisted Living.

So you have decided on to move your parent(s) in assisted living community. You have well scrutinized the retirement community they are going in if they have got all what your parents need. But still you have a fear whether this decision going to good for all of you and on the other hand your […]