More About the Author "jerrisimp"

Author Nick: jerrisimp
Name: Jerri Simpson
About the Author: Jerri Simpson, known as “The Debt Lady” (, has worked in the finance industry for over 31 years, helping others conquer their financial troubles ( and is well-known for her blogs (

Articles by jerrisimp :

Sort by: Do You Have To Live Within Your Means?

By Jerri Simpson I was looking over a New York Times article about “living within your means” when it comes to credit and credit cards. And I have to say that in some ways I totally disagree with this concept based on a few key points. If you’re overextended on your credit cards then you […] Don’t Let This Happen To You! A True Story Of Tom The Tomato

by Jerri Simpson The tomato seed cost about five cents and was planted in the dirt. It grew into a mighty tomato as it bathed in water and sun. One day the tomato is sunning itself and minding its own business when it hears a noise.  All of a sudden the ground starts to shake […] Is Money Your Problem?

By Jerri Simpson From my experience money is THE number one cause of PROBLEMS in people’s lives. That’s right, over and above everything else in life because most of those other things are caused by not having money. For instance, people get divorced, have fights, can’t pay their bills, lose their houses and go to […] 5 Steps to a Better Financial Life

By Jerri Simpson     When credit cards were born in the early 50′s people were nervous to use them. They were worried about how they were going to pay and were conscientious about where their money was going. People understood the value of a dollar and even the value of a penny because in […] How Do You Handle Those Screaming Kids In The Toy Store?

By Jerri Simpson     Why is it that children scream and holler when they don’t get something that they want at the toy store?   Why is it that children will be sweet as can be then all of a sudden when you tell them NO they turn into the incredible hulk?   Have […]