More About the Author "jerrisimp"

Author Nick: jerrisimp
Name: Jerri Simpson
About the Author: Jerri Simpson, known as “The Debt Lady” (, has worked in the finance industry for over 31 years, helping others conquer their financial troubles ( and is well-known for her blogs (

Articles by jerrisimp :

Sort by: I Got Sued, Now What Do I Do?

If you got served with a summons and complaint the first thing to do is, DON’T PANIC~~! A summons means, COME to court, and a complaint means, this is why I am suing you! I know those are pretty simple terms, but sometimes legal papers can be scary! Why you ask, well let me tell you, it’s because […] How Can I Stop Collectors From Harassing Me?

  Stop collectors from calling you, sound too good to be true? Well believe it or not, it’s the easiest thing in the world to do. There is a federal law that governs bills collectors called the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and if you know those laws, you can be more in control of the […] IRS Makes You Pay Money when you Save Money

If you pay less than the full amount of any debt the IRS makes you pay tax on that money. An example would be if you owed $1,000 to Chase on a credit card and you settled with them for $400. The IRS considers that $600 as income to you and you will have to pay tax […] How Babies Got Americans Out of Debt

Who doesn’t want a history lesson? Below is an excerpt from my new book that states that the baby boomer generation helped the recession by making future consumers. There is more history in my book about consumers and credit cards. The concept of stuff making you happy can be traced back almost a hundred years. […] Making Those Minimum Payments – Into Your Golden Years

Credit card companies don’t really want you to pay more than the minimums on your credit cards. That’s how they make all of their money. They have devised a system that will keep you a customer of theirs for your entire life–if you chose to play their game of making minimum payments. It’s ingenious, actually, […]