More About the Author "Jessica Bennet"

Author Nick: jessica12
Name: Jessica Bennet
About the Author: essica Bennet with her vast experience in the mortgage industry has been associated with the MortgageFit Community as a Mentor. Not only does she participate in the community forums to give her suggestions, but also makes her contributions through different articles on mortgage.

Articles by Jessica Bennet :

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6 Tricks to lower down the cost of a mortgage

If you take out a mortgage loan, you have to repay that amount along with the interest amount, in the form of monthly mortgage payments. The regular monthly payments that you have to make may sometimes be too costly for you and you may be willing to lower down that amount. Here we discuss about […]

Judge your loan eligibility on your own

Are you a right candidate for a mortgage loan? This is indeed a very pertinent as far as the ownership of a home is concerned. In fact, you can judge your candidature on your own by taking into consideration some basic factors. Here we discuss about these factors, which will help you judge our credentials […]

Get the basic idea before taking out a mortgage loan

Purchasing a home is the manifestation of American dream. However, this was not the case always. Prior to the Great Depression of 1930s, 40% of the American families owned homes. The main reason for that was that only a handful people in the country had enough cash to buy a home by making just one […]

Demystify major mortgage questions

Taking out a mortgage loan is a very important decision in your life. At the time of the loan process, a wide variety of mortgage questions crowd in your mind. Unless and until you get satisfactory answers to these questions, it becomes difficult for you to make the mortgage buying decision. Here we discuss about […]

Unearthing of HARP & HAMP

In the aftermath of the financial crisis, which the country had undergone in recent times, the Federal Government came up with the Making Home Affordable program. This 2009 program was aimed at helping the homeowners keep their homeownership intact or to increase it and to avoid foreclosure. In case your mortgage loan is controlled by Freddie Mac or […]