More About the Author "jimclark"

Author Nick: jimclark
Name: Jim Clark
About the Author: Hello, I'm Jim Clark, nice to meet you guys.

Articles by jimclark :

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Convert Video to Play on Different Players

Nowadays, the most popular video formats is .mp4 format. Because Apple’s iPod, iPhone and iPad all support .mp4 format video’s playback. However, there are hundreds of video formats around the world. People have to convert them in order to play them on their computer or devices. To convert your videos you need a total video […]

How to Watch HD Video on Your Computer?

Nowadays, many people are using HD video camera to record their parties, beautiful landscape and family trip. When you watch the videos from the camera, you can still feel the good mood. However, you can not play the videos on your computer in most cases. The HD video formats can not be supported by most […]

Backup iPod, iPhone, iPad Files to Mac

People always use iTunes to manage their iPod, iPhone and iPad files. They use iTunes to put their videos, music, pics, and other tings to their Apple devices. However, do you ever want to save your iPod, iPhone, iPad files to your computer but not iTunes. Do you want to backup your iPhone pictures on […]

Put Your Camera Videos to Your iPhone/iPad/iPod

Nowadays, people use iPhone to deal with almost all the things. They use iPhone to make a phonecall, write email, check data, read books, play games and so on. People can even put their familiy party video into their iPhone and watch it on their iPhone. How to do that? People always buy videos and […]

Share Videos, Music, Pics Among iPad, iPhone, iPod

As Apple now is the hottest company around the world and most people has one or more than one Apple devices, such as iPod, iPhone and iPad, how to share files between them is a question. Sometimes people do not buy music and videos from iTunes so they can not use iTunes to share their […]