More About the Author "JimmyCliff"

Author Nick: JimmyCliff

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Initial answer pub quiz rounds

An initial answer pub quiz round is usually a set of 8 questions and answers. The first 7 are general knowledge questions. What makes this round different is that the last question asks you to take the first letter of each of the previous 7 answers and to rearrange them to spell out the final […]

The Minining of Minerals

Mining is defined as the extraction of mineral and other materials. Mining involves drilling into the earth. Copper, silver, diamond and gold are some of the minerals gotten from mining. There are many different steps in the mining of minerals. Ore body discovery is the first. Ores are rocks from which metals and minerals are […]

How fleet management works

Fleet management refers to the management of a company’s vehicle fleet. The types of vehicles in the management of a vehicle fleet can include: vans, cars, buses, and trucks. There are a variety of tasks involved with fleet management such as vehicle tracking, vehicle diagnostics, speed management, driver management, vehicle maintenance, and safety management. The […]

Some fun pub quiz ideas.

You may or may not be into pub quizzes but a pub quiz is a very inexpensive form of entertainment. If done correctly it can be a huge attraction and can boost the bar takings on an otherwise quiet night. A night out down the local has to be a fun experience, don’t you agree? […]

The pub quiz

The Pub Quiz is a huge pastime in the UK and I reckon that if done in an entertaining and fun way the fun pub quiz could be huge in other countries like the USA too. What this article sets out to explain is what a pub quiz is all about and maybe inspire some […]