More About the Author "Robert Mario"

Author Nick: john2hot4u00
Name: Robert Mario
About the Author: I am good article writer

Articles by Robert Mario :

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Build a career in System Administration

“Those parts of the system that you can hit with a hammer (not advised) are called hardware; those program instructions that you can only curse at are called software”. If you don’t want to be a part of the dilemma you need to hire a System Administrator to look after your companies systems. System Administrator […]

Build a career in Network Administration

Networks are becoming more and more indispensable in our day to day life. The global digital revolution has encapsulated the globe. Networks are reaching places where we dare to reach. The more networks we grow the more administrators and staff, we need to maintain it. The Internet is a global network of computers linked by […]

Beauty feeds the soul

All women deserve to be appreciated, respected, and admired. When a woman improves her appearance, an amazing thing happens. People begin to pay attention to her, listen to her, seek her company, and ask her opinion. She becomes more confident, and this makes her look even better! As her confidence grows, so does the respect […]


Every person is unique, and so is their smile. A smile serves as an invitation to our fellow human beings to get to know us. Stars show us how it’s done: Julia Roberts, George Clooney, etc., have particularly attractive smiles. Not everyone is naturally blessed with beautiful, even, white teeth. Do you only smile and […]

Ethical Hacking – A new career scope

Ethical hacking, often performed by white hats or skilled computer experts, is the use of programming skills to determine vulnerabilities in computer systems. While the non-ethical hacker or black hat exploits these vulnerabilities for mischief, personal gain or other reasons, the ethical hacker evaluates them, points them out, and may suggest changes to systems that […]