More About the Author "johnwhalley"

Author Nick: johnwhalley
Name: john whalley
About the Author: i am author

Articles by johnwhalley :

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Change it up with Wigs, Hairpieces and Extensions

Do you often feel overcome with the desire to drastically change your look but just don’t think you can deal with the commitment?  If you want to really shake it up and have a different look, you are in the right times, my friend, because you no longer have to commit to several months or […]

The Right Athletic Socks for Hiking and Walking Make a Difference

Is there anything better than the feeling of putting on your favorite socks straight from the dryer?  Pulling them on over your toes and your foot and then your heel, it just feels amazing.  Wiggling your toes just a little, you know you can face another day of the rat race now that you’ve got […]

Socks come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and uses. Are you wearing the right ones?

Socks are a part of our everyday lives. Not something most of us usually pay much attention to, since they are always there. We take them for granted if you will. Socks have been around for thousands of years, but in the most recent past we have taken great strides to make socks work for […]

Ode to Candy

Oh candy, how do we love thee?  Let us count the ways:  Candy is sweet and delicious.  Who doesn’t love a taste of a sweet thing now and then?  Sometimes, when you are having a tough day, all you really need is to do is unwrap some sweet favorite and pop it in your mouth […]

In these fiscally challenging times, name brand drugs might seem out of reach –

Money is tight for most everyone these days, with some Americans concerned they will have to choose between their medications and their utility bills, or car insurance, or even food. It is a sad reality, but not one that has to stay that way for long. Pharmaceutical corporations give away billions of dollars in rebates, […]