More About the Author "johnwhalley"

Author Nick: johnwhalley
Name: john whalley
About the Author: i am author

Articles by johnwhalley :

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Why intellectual property owners should subscribe to services from CEG?

Intellectual assets like audio, video, image, text, video games, and software are never safe online unless you protect them with copyrights, as well as with the latest technologies. It’s also advisable to outsource the job to a reliable intellectual property protection firm like Copyright Enforcement Group. Such firms are equipped with latest recognition tools and […]

Copyright Enforcement Group serving as life savers for film producers

Film producers often get bewildered while deciding for a right way to treat with copyright infringers. Despite covering their films with copyright laws, they often find piracy and unauthorized uses of their films. Copying of ideas, contents and use of pirated clippings of their films can frustrate them a great deal. In such situations, they […]

Intellectual property protection firms offer best cover against copyright infringement

Easy availability of information in the internet creates confusion at times among some people. They take such free information for granted, and believe that they have the right to use them without taking any permission from the owner. This, on the contrary, is a violation of law. Like books, magazines and any other printed contents, […]

P90x workout – kick-start your fitness campaign in just 90 days

It takes only 90 days to set the ball in motion when you start your fitness battle with P90x workout program. It is a home based fitness program that uses minimum weight lifting and maximum physical exertion. Several health conscious people who find it impossible to make time out for fitness centres and who do […]

SAT preparation through online assistance can pave way for success

Admission in colleges can be a big dilemma for your kids if you do not pay attention on proper SAT preparation for them. SAT reasoning test is an admission test for college admissions. The marks of SAT exam are combined with high school grading points to finally make a selection for college admission. That means; […]