More About the Author "jtjonathan230"

Author Nick: jtjonathan230
Name: Jonahan Jfell
About the Author: Jonahan Jfell is owner of this site and writes articles since long time. For further Laser etching and Laser Engraving and Laser Etching please visit the website.

Articles by jtjonathan230 :

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Plastic Card Embossing- essential service in the age of plastic cards!!!

For the purpose of applying machine-readable characters to a card for a long time, plastic card embossing is the only possible way. On the back side of the card, the single characters are “stamped” and hence they are visible on the front side as embossed or heightened characters. Plastic Card Embossing is used on membership […]

Laser Etching- helps to etch metals…

In the second half, many firms and business organizations began manufacturing every part of the process in advanced and modern way when more and more specifications started being introduced into the manufacturing sector. The face of manufacturing industry changed with these new specifications. The advent of Light Amplification by Simulated Emission of Radiation or LASER […]

Laser Engraving- tracing products made easy!

A technique which is basically used in the fields of printing, laser bonding and hot-branding is referred to as laser engraving which is a generic term covering a wide array of surfacing techniques. Laser engraving and laser marking terms are sometimes used interchangeably as these machines are similar. Laser engraving is quite common and it […]

Laser Marking: New Technology, Better world!!

In this kind of marking process permanent marks can be made on a wide variety and range of materials using laser beams as an option, laser bonding as a process was patented in the late 90’s but it is now that it is finding such a widespread usage in various industries. For example in metal […]

Laser Engraving: Reaching new heights

In manufacturing one of the most important uses of laser is that of laser engraving, it is basically that technique in which lasers are used to mark or engrave into any object like metal parts, girders, and even specially designed alloys like polymers and some new metal alloys which have been developed so that they […]