More About the Author "juanita"
Author Nick: juanita
Name: Juanita Martinez
About the Author: Juanita Martinez is associated with the AmPmInsure Community and has been offering her suggestion on insurance to the community since 2007. Besides this, she has also written contributory articles for various financial sites. Few of her articles would include names like 'Ho3 Policy: An open peril insurance', 'Insurance for fire damages' and 'Buying life insurance on someone without their consent'.
Articles by juanita :
10.17.11 | Comments Off on Shopping for affordable auto insurance-4 Mistakes you must shun
Purchasing wrong coverage is one of the costly auto insurance mistakes people often make. This single mistake makes the people pay more than what they have intended to in the long run. Read along to know about some costly mistakes you should avoid while shopping for an affordable auto insurance policy. Costly auto insurance mistakes […]
09.10.11 | Comments Off on What to choose: A whole life or a term insurance policy
Problem: I am a 27 year old person who has recently joined a new job and earning decent salary. Moreover, recently I got married. Now, I am thinking seriously about purchasing a good life insurance policy. Can you tell me which policy would be best for me, term life insurance or a whole life insurance? […]
08.19.11 | Comments Off on What are the plusses of having health insurance policy?
Medical expenses in the country are increasing day by day. Simple diagnostic tests, surgeries and admission to emergency room can create a deep whole in your pocket. So, having proper health insurance policy for both you as well as for your families is highly essential as it helps in reducing the burden of unintended medical […]
06.16.11 | Comments Off on Protect your income with disability insurance
Nathan Jones is the financial support system of his family and works for a manufacturing unit. He knows that he has risks of being disabled and hence may not be able to work. His family will suffer immensely if he can’t earn. So he planned to buy his employer provided disability insurance to keep his […]
05.11.11 | Comments Off on Motorcycle rider killed in accident – Who should pay for the loss?
Scenario: I don’t know much about insurance. So, I need your suggestion. 1 year back, my stepfather was severely injured in a motorcycle accident and he died after some days. The bike on which he was riding belonged to me. I am insured through an XYZ company. I should mention here that my stepfather was […]