More About the Author "julianian"

Author Nick: julianian
Name: Julian Ian
About the Author: Camera Bags and Video Tripod are always essential accessories for the camera enthusiast. PROtog have you covered, with a great range of Camera Bags and Video Tripods. Check out our website.

Articles by julianian :

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How to Use Cameras and Select Camera Accessories

Today cameras are more popular than ever before. In the past, most people didn’t dare buy anything more than a point and shoot camera. This is not because they didn’t want to take even higher quality pictures, but because anything other than the point and shoot camera was simply too costly and too complicated for […]

Video Tripod and Camera Bag

Getting a camera or video camera is a great way to be able to keep a record of things, to make videos and take pictures and to create media that can be a part of websites, magazines or other creations. There are plenty of reasons why anyone should own a video camera and they are […]

The importance of camera bags and video tripods

If you have a camera and you intend to shoot video with it, if you want to shoot the best videos possible, you need to keep the camera still while you’re shooting. It doesn’t matter how steady you may believe yourself to be, if you’re holding a camera in your hand, it’s going to shake […]
