More About the Author "junglejuice629"

Author Nick: junglejuice629
Name: Jersey Shore
About the Author: I have been in the Finance business for 27 years. I have my PHD Degree specializing in Economics.

Articles by junglejuice629 :

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Use Quiet Title to Nullify a Predatory Loan

You have probably heard lots of stories about wrongful foreclosures happening all across the country.  The extent of mortgage fraud committed by predatory lenders such as Bank of America, GMAC, US Bank, Wells Fargo and JP Morgan Chase is so widespread we still haven’t figured out the total damage it is causing, and how many […]

Why Don’t Banks Have Incentive to Grant Mortgage Modifications?

When the Obama Administration introduced the HAMP program to provide mortgage modifications, people were very excited.  This program was designed to reduce the staggering amount of mortgage foreclosure that has been taking place since the collapse of the housing market.  A mortgage loan modification was a great way to get homeowners out of predatory loans […]