More About the Author "kalmarantiques"

Author Nick: kalmarantiques
Name: Kalmar Antiques
About the Author: Kalmar Antiques is Sydney, Australia based Antique Jewellery & Watches Dealer. It has unique collection of Omega Watches, Rolex Watches, Vintage Rolex Watches and many more. Visit official site: or call on 02 9264 3663 for more information on antique/ vintage watches collection.

Articles by kalmarantiques :

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Tradition and Custom of Engagement Rings

The history of giving engagement rings goes back centuries to every continent in the world. Who and where started the tradition of engagement rings can’t be easily answered or found, however it is fact that as far back as 2,500BC Egyptians have been found with rings of silver or gold on the fourth finger of […]

Have Look on the History of Branded Vintage Watches

People often think that there are so many watch companies around today, and although this may be true to an extent, before the 1950’s, there were so many more watch companies in existence. The “Quartz revolution” of the early 1970’s decimated the Swiss watch industry, causing many of these watch companies to close down or […]