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Author Nick: kapilkalra
Name: Kapil Kalra
About the Author: I am an author.

Articles by kapilkalra :

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How are Traditional Marketing Methods Different From B2B Marketing?

When B2B marketing became a rage, the critics said B2B marketing dynamics could never be successful with traditional buyers. Buyers and suppliers who finalized deals over the phone for ages were initially found reluctant to B2B marketing modules. Soon, it was realized that in the changing times and with the technological advancements B2B marketing was […]

Analysis of B2B marketplaces

During the early 2000’s B2B marketplaces were a rage but they soon became a thing of the past. Most conservatives attached it to the bust in IT sector. However, analysts later realized that there were numerous factors responsible for the slowdown of this phenomenal business model. Here’s a look at what was responsible for this. […]

Franchise Business Plan

Many people choose franchise businesses today. The advantage of opening a franchise business is to be assured of a branded product to a backup. The market-proven popularity of a product is something that reduces some of their anxiety about the promotion of a new product. Today, most product companies prefer to open franchise outlets and […]

Adopting B2B procedures – The Real Tool for Sustainable Economic Growth

B2B sales and services – a popular way to market, advertise or simply exchange or sell products, services or information amongst businesses. B2B marketplace is a field of economic interest that has grown multiple folds in the recent past. This growth has enabled numerous underdeveloped countries exhibit their potential as an emerging business development hub. […]

Ways in Marketing Your Business Efficiently

Effective marketing will only be achieved through proper planning and sufficient resources, skills and ideas necessary to reach the best product promotion. To avoid any problems during the process, it is best to think and analyze every step I take. No hurry. Must have sufficient time to carry out its promotional strategy. In improving the […]