More About the Author "kapilkalra"

Author Nick: kapilkalra
Name: Kapil Kalra
About the Author: I am an author.

Articles by kapilkalra :

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Tips to Sell Your Business

The sale of a business, requires a lot of things to have ready before hand. You can not just go to market and sell their business. You have to take care of many things, sort and enters the market to make a good deal. The factors that need consideration before preparing to sell the business […]

Tips For Develop a Business Plan

Whenever I found the profiles of successful entrepreneurs, I have always marveled at the business acumen of these entrepreneurs. I wonder what it was that made them so successful and rule the world? Was the business plan, the sand pure passion, or determination or germ for business? I feel even though he had all the […]

How to Advertise Your Business

If you are pondering on how to advertise your business and get the most benefit? Looking out for the effectiveness and benefits incurred on advertising? Maybe you have to go through some tips on how to advertise business. Or if you read further you could probably find some good advertising techniques for home businesses in […]

Feasibility Study Template

If you are the director of the company or business, would surely have found a viable template before starting a new project. A feasibility study can be considered as a potential analysis of the proposed venture to help determine the cost effectiveness and whether to proceed with it. For example, if your company specializes in […]

Creating a Business Plan

All businesses rely on some ideas. In order to give shape and structure to these ideas, creating a business plan is of utmost importance. Whether a new business is being created, or the current expansion is, there must be a well-written, specific business plan in place to ensure that people are on the right track. […]