More About the Author "Karen123"

Author Nick: Karen123
Name: Karen Healey
About the Author: a true friend gone but never FORGOTTEN. not a day goes by that i dont miss you! hope your up there putting smiles on everyones faces just like you did when you was her love you♄

Articles by Karen123 :

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Lose More Weight By Eating More

Some of the best weight loss programs are the ones that instruct a person to eat more during the day. Many people might find it impossible to think but if you eat frequently a day, you keep your metabolic process high. People wrongly believe that skipping a meal or two could get them to lose […]

Taking Weight To Your Own Hands

We live in a society that had become critical associated with a person’s weight and how it affects their health. The disorders range, from hypoglycemia to morbid obesity to bulimia and anorexia. All these disorders originate from a warped sense of relationship between self and food. Sometimes food is a comfort, something to dull and […]

Healthy Heart Diet Plan

Healthy heart diet plan assumes significance from the proven fact that a proper heart is easily the most fundamental requirement of fitness. Though health covers a vast area, health of the heart is fully necessary because the functioning from the heart is central to the living. In today’s world, heart problems are very common. There […]

The Raw Foods Diet Plan

Lots of people cringe at the thought of trying a fad diet or always listening to the “diet” word. However, eating only raw foods is much more than a fad and it is a very healthy way thousands of people are losing weight and being much healthier generally.Raw foods are becoming popular again. It’s a […]

Characteristics of The Most Effective Simple Diet Plans

A primary reason that many people often love this particular crucial a part of achieving results with weight-loss, could be because of the wide selection of delicious foods that may be found in a dieting menu. One of the greatest mistakes that a lot of people make when they’re preparing their diet program diet plans […]