More About the Author "karenmmore"

Author Nick: karenmmore
Name: Karen Mmore
About the Author: I am a freelance writer.

Articles by karenmmore :

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Always a bridesmaid

Being a bridesmaid can be a lot of fun.  Most bridesmaids are sisters of the bride, or close girlfriends. A bride can have a couple of bridesmaids or several.  It was thought that a bride would have her bridesmaid wear similar clothing to hers so that evil spirits would be confused as to who was […]

A Beach Wedding Requires Extra Attention to Detail

Planning a beach wedding is a popular choice today for many couples as the idea of holding the ceremony in the warm sun, standing on a beach with a beautiful body of water as a backdrop is very alluring to many people. But planning a beach wedding is a bit trickier than getting ready for […]

Low on Money and Need an Affordable Prom Dress?

Not many of us can spend several hundred dollars on a dress we will wear only once. Your prom is one of the most important events of your life but you do need to be practical and realistic. You need to stretch your prom budget so you can get that manicure you need, have your […]

Getting Certified for a Better Career

If you are about to graduate from college or you are working somewhere that isn’t allowing you to move forward in your life, then taking a look at your realistic career choices might be something worth doing.  If you are not yet sure about which career path to take, exploring one in information technology might […]

Being More Efficient With Microsoft Office

Many people do not really understand what can really be done with the new version of Microsoft Office.  It is actually very understandable since the things you can accomplish with the software bundle are quite expansive.  Really learning the ins and outs of Microsoft Office takes a monumental effort.  They would have to read quite […]