More About the Author "karenmmore"

Author Nick: karenmmore
Name: Karen Mmore
About the Author: I am a freelance writer.

Articles by karenmmore :

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Setting Yourself Right On a New Career Path In IT

In this floundering economy, it is very possible that you are not in a position that you want to be in even if you have the education that would have gotten you a career instantly ten years ago.  This is not the technology bubble anymore and getting a career going isn’t as easy as it […]

Blended Learning Approaches to Employee Training

In today’s highly competitive and often cut-throat business world, companies need to streamline their training programs so that little or no time is lost from work. It is no longer feasible nor cost effective to require employees to leave their work stations so that they can spend a day or more off-site being trained in […]

Combined Employee Training Solutions Offer Many Benefits

Combined learning solutions are being used by more and more businesses that are interested in offering their staff the highest level of training. Blended learning combines both classroom-based and online courses to give businesses the greatest degree of flexibility and variety in their training programs. No employer wants to come to realize that someone in […]

The Best Tools To Repair Your Computer

If you are unfortunate enough to encounter problems with your personal computer, don’t panic.  The first thing that people tend to do when their computer crashes is to try and restart it.  If that doesn’t work, then many people don’t really know what to do after that.  But there actually are quite a few things […]

Steps to Recovery After Your Computer Crashes

These days, computers are really a part of our daily lives and many of us can’t really live without one anymore.  They are the gateway to our friends and family and they are the means to a lot of information that we otherwise wouldn’t have at our fingertips.  But this doesn’t mean that a computer […]