More About the Author "Katey34i"
Author Nick: Katey34i
Name: Katey Ji
About the Author: Katey Ji is a full time online marketer, self entrepreneur and work from home dad, living in USA. He love my wife, our kids, our pets and my biz.
Articles by Katey34i :
09.01.11 | Comments Off on Tips and Tricks on Choosing Headphones Principals For iPhone
Since we were kids and we discovered the walkman with cassettes, we had a problem. The headphones were always twisted and tangled, and we wasted precious time to put the wires in order. You can read the research that saying about how people could lose almost five day in their life only to do this, […]
08.28.11 | Comments Off on To Answer the Query of Do You Actually Want Amplifying Headphones
Today, about 20% of the population have the risk of losing their hearing because they are listening music using a very high volume. This research is conducted by the European Commision, and the result is official. So, now you need to reconsider your need and start asking to yourself Do You Actually Want Amplifying Headphones. […]
08.26.11 | Comments Off on Do You Actually Need Amplifying Headphones? Get them Now!
Today, about 20% of the population have the risk of losing their hearing because they are listening music using a very high volume. This aspect is showed by an official research made by the European Commission. So, now you need to reconsider your need and start asking to yourself Do You Actually Want Amplifying Headphones. […]
08.23.11 | Comments Off on Pointers that can assist in getting the best noise cancelling headphones
Have you any idea, what are the features that make a headphone the best one among all other types of headphones? Let’s count the features. – Compatibilty with the maximum number of music players is the first consideration when it comes to headphones. In order to make sure that the headphones are compatible with the […]
08.22.11 | Comments Off on Pointers that may assist in getting the best noise cancelling headphones
Have you any idea, what are the features that make a headphone the best one among all other types of headphones? The following are some of them. – Compatibilty with the maximum number of music players is the first consideration when it comes to headphones. In order to make sure that the headphones are compatible […]