More About the Author "kayemarks"

Author Nick: kayemarks
Name: Kaye Marks
About the Author: Kaye Z. Marks is an avid writer and follower of innovations by a commercial printing company to improve marketing campaigns.

Articles by kayemarks :

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Amp Up Sales With Postcard Marketing Tips

In an age where the computer and the Internet take so much attention from customers, you might be lead to believe that online ads are the future of marketing. There might be some truth to that. But there are instances where the trusted and traditional tools are still ideal. If you want a more personal […]

Several Unique Business Card Designs

Have you already a particularly extensive experience with the corporate world? You might have already gotten your hands on a number of different business cards from various companies and people. In fact, you may have even acquired your own through commercial printing by a commercial printing company. One important consideration to effective materials is the […]

The Fine Line Between Thriftiness And Splurging

In a world where people get duped on a daily basis, from things as simple as fare money to things as crucial as high-paying business transactions with commercial printing companies, thriftiness is a necessary trait for all customers to have. Thus, it is also important that people know the different alternatives of spending; this means […]

How To Avoid Using Commercially Printed Materials

Many articles online and in print will always go on about how you should use commercially printed materials or how to properly implement marketing tools. Turning things around, let us discuss things on the other side of the spectrum. Let us talk about the things that you should not do concerning commercially printed publicity materials. […]

Fundamentals Of Good Poster Design

Posters are such a popular kind of commercial printing material. There are even regular poster-making competitions that are held in all kinds of levels. This is because good poster design is such an important factor in determining how effective a poster will be in the real world, and one of the traits a good entrepreneur […]