More About the Author "kayemarks"

Author Nick: kayemarks
Name: Kaye Marks
About the Author: Kaye Z. Marks is an avid writer and follower of innovations by a commercial printing company to improve marketing campaigns.

Articles by kayemarks :

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Your Document Checklist For Offset Printing

Here is the important checklist that you must remember for offset printing. Any long run printing jobs must really be done with the proper preparations and accurate configurations. Such should be before you spend all that money and time. Read this checklist and try to prepare your own drafts as thoroughly as you can. You […]

Prepare Your Drafts Properly For Sheetfed Printing

You cannot print good quality materials through sheetfed printing if you do not prepare your drafts properly. Even if you hired a great sheet fed printer for the job, they will still be stuck working with the material you sent them. That is why it is actually important that you prepare your drafts properly yourself. […]

The Items On Your Heatset Printing Checklist

Before beginning with the heatset printing process, you should go through this very important checklist. You would not want to waste your money on heat set web printing that is not set properly with the right design and specifications. So read on through this guide and start asking the right questions about your prints. This […]

Smart Ways To Deal With A Commercial Printing Company

Do not just blindly follow around the instructions that a commercial printing company gives you. If you want to get the most out of your commercial printer, you will want to be smart in dealing with them. In fact, the more you can be smart in working with them and choosing printing options, the more […]

How To Secure Safe Online Calendar Printing Deals

Printing calendars online is generally safe nowadays because of better technologies. It is still important to be prudent and make sure that you always secure your online printing transactions. If you want to secure your own custom calendars and be safe in online printing, you should read on. Below you will find select tips on […]