More About the Author "killian.martha"

Author Nick: killian.martha

Articles by killian.martha :

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Postcards and Other Direct Mail Techniques

Modern entrepreneurs are often confronted with the dilemma on which type of direct mail campaign to use in order to get good response. Is it the sales letter, the self-mailer, or the post card? It all actually depends on the type of campaign you need. You can never really claim that a certain approach is […]

Achieving Success in Marketing with Brochures

A brochure is a great and very effective marketing tool that will introduce both you and your business establishment to all your target clients and customers in the market. This tool also gives you a good opportunity to come up with a sale down the line or give a solid reminder approach for all your […]

Business Card Printing: The Story, Design, and Printing Options

Many business owners think of business cards simply as a tool to exchange contact details. But business cards are more than that. When it comes to designing and printing the perfect business card, there are things to consider. As an important tool that gives you the first impression, you need to invest enough time to […]

Design Choices to Creating the Best Business Card for your Business

If this is the first time for you to create your own business card you might be overwhelmed with the elements and factors that comes with the design process. But you need not feel this way. There may be a lot to consider, but there is only a handful that you need to think of. […]

Postcard Marketing: Doing it Effectively

Postcards are considered as the most inexpensive and also one of the most effective forms of direct mail marketing in the business world nowadays. A well designed and printed postcard will effectively reach your prospective customers fast and bring you good first impression as people do not need tear an envelope for them to discern […]