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Author Nick: killian.martha

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Deliver Marketing Message through Exceptional Postcards

When used appropriately, no other marketing material can measure up to the marketing power of postcards. They make your target customers aware of your business and product or service, and motivate them to take action. Maybe you are asking now, aren’t postcard a little old-fashioned compared to a flashy new website? Maybe. But direct mail […]

Ways to Heighten Response Rate in Postcard Printing

One of the cost effective forms of direct mail marketing is postcards. When done effectively, this tool can generate high response rates. Compared to advertising letters, postcards are handed out at face value. They also have high chance of grabbing attention and getting read before they hit the trash bin. If you want to earn […]

The Quick and Easy Way to Produce Business Cards

To newbie business owners, it can be a bit tricky to print an effective business card. But there are easy steps to make the process quick and easy. Foremost among these steps is hiring a good printer. It is easy to get tempted to print your business cards on your own. With the technology and […]

Postcard Printing for Businesses on a Budget

Marketing and promotions aid businesses earn more sales and profit. However, to make marketing work for your business, it is a must to make it compelling and captivating. This is where you need to be careful in choosing the right marketing or promotional material that you will utilize in your business marketing campaign. You do […]

Tips to Make the Most of the Space in Business Postcards

People can’t actually resist reading postcards, especially when what they see are happy scenes and irresistible offers. In fact, postcards generate the highest response rate among direct mails today. For years, these simple cards are a powerhouse marketing tool that no other marketing strategy can compare with. Despite the growing popularity of social media and […]