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Author Nick: killian.martha

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The Direct Mail Power of Postcards

Postcard marketing is a direct mail type of advertising. It is sent directly to your target market and is expected to create a direct response from them. That is why it is called direct mail marketing. Businesses, large and small, can both benefit from the long and short-term marketing power of postcards. No matter what […]

Attract Positive Attention with Business Cards

When it comes to business, you need to tell people that you have products and services that are worth buying. If you can brag about your business, do so. This way you can attract positive attention to your business. To do this, there are three things you need to consider: a. Make your business known. […]

Postcard Marketing Essential: Picking the Right Size

Small businesses now have the power to use any kind of marketing approach they want in order to reach their customers, promote their products or services, and increase their sales. But it seems that not everyone is tapping into that potential. Many small businesses are still not making the most of the inexpensive marketing opportunities […]

Say It with your Headline

When choosing a marketing strategy to use in your business, you need to apply caution and some critical thinking. You need to: • Determine which marketing tool will work best for your business at the least cost. • Identify which tactics will help you stand out in the market. • Know the products or services […]

Business Card Printing: The Choice of Paper Stock

A great business card can easily overcome a poor offer or an expensive product, and bring in a considerable amount of orders.  In fact, a well designed card can work effectively just by the design itself.  The only thing that a great business card overcomes is incorrect target market. No matter how interesting and effective […]