More About the Author "killian.martha"

Author Nick: killian.martha

Articles by killian.martha :

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Marketing With A Shoestring Budget

In marketing, bigger is not always better. And less doesn’t necessarily mean that it cannot be more than you hope it to be. What this just proves is that what you see is not what you always get. Take for example the limited budget that a small business has. Although it may be limited and […]

Let your Business Cards Work for You

GET RID OF THEM. If there is one mantra you need to follow in a business card campaign, that should be it. You need to hand out your cards to just about anyone you think will be interested in your business. When you dine at Starbucks or any restaurant, leave your business card with the […]

Choosing the Right Words Can Get You Your Customers

There’s no doubt about it. Words can make or break your business. Whatever you have written in your marketing collaterals, whether they’re postcard printing or door hangers, your words can convince your target clients to buy your products and services, or to just ignore them. Carefully selected words can attract the attention, while the wrong […]

More Is Still Better

Actually, I’m not talking about the word ‘more’ as having it in terms of quantity and quality. I am actually talking about the concepts of marketing, be it postcard printing or tv commercials, and being more than what is considered as the standard. As any marketer knows, there are four Ps in marketing – Product, […]

Ensuring the Success of your Poster Printing with these Principles

By and large, poster printing thrives according to some principles of the design and printing processes. If you intend to print posters productively, you have to know what these principles are. It is crucial to adhere to these principles to ensure that you come up with remarkable posters. Apart from its capability to catch and […]