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Author Nick: killian.martha

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The Types of Power Words for Brochure Printing

Words are a very powerful thing, even in brochure printing. There are words that will make your print brochures succeed, and there are words that will make your brochures fail. In this tutorial, I will teach you the words that will make your brochure printing succeed. There are actually different types of power words that […]

Solving Text Formatting Issues For Your Print Brochures

One of the most annoying problems in brochure printing and design are those little formatting issues when it comes to text. Sometimes when you try to print brochures,  some text just won’t fit in certain panels and it can screw up the whole layout in the process. If you are having some of these problems, […]

Corporate Style Rules for Brochure Printing

Let me give you the corporate style rules for brochure printing. Not all brochure templates can give you the specific styles and themes for a corporate brochure, so it is good to learn about these styles from expert sources. That is why we have collected this list of the common design rules for corporate brochure […]

Beginner’s list on what to put in brochures

So you are a beginner in brochure printing. It is probably safe to say that you don’t know what to put exactly into your brochures? Well, don’t worry, because help is on the way. Below you will see a beginner’s list of what you need to put into your brochure templates. With all these elements […]

Improving Brochure Headlines and Sub-Headlines

The headline in brochures is one of the most important elements in its design. The better the headlines are, the better the performance of your brochure printing will be. In this article, I will teach you how to improve the headlines and sub-headlines of your brochures. With a little creativity as well as proper brochure […]