More About the Author "killian.martha"

Author Nick: killian.martha

Articles by killian.martha :

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How to Get the Message Right for your Brochure Audience

Let me help you get that message right for the audience of your brochures. This is one of the main hurdles in brochure printing that many designers and writers face which can get a little tricky and complicated. If you are a novice in this area though, you should not worry. The tips listed below […]

5 Fantastic Resources to Help You with Your Print Brochures

Let me share with you 5 fantastic resources that I have found that can help you in brochure printing. I usually print brochures using these resources and they have all proven quite useful, powerful and easy to use. Moreover, you’ll be glad to know that most of these fantastic resources are free. That’s right it […]

Give Your Brochure Printing Some Leverage over Others

Sometimes it pays to give your print brochures a little bit extra leverage to gain that advantage against other brochures. This is especially true in highly competitive markets where brochure printing and style decides where the real profits go. Leverage in brochure printing though can come in many forms. You have to be creative and […]

7 Points for Testing your Printing Company

Okay! Let us test your printing company shall we? Whether it is an online printing company or a traditional printing company, there are 7 points that we can consider important when it comes to a printer. If the printer scores high in these 7 points, we can deem it a great business partner for printing […]

The services to watch out for in online printing

While there are tons of  online printing companies out there, there are seven major services that I recommend you watch out for when you print onlin. These key services make a common online printing service into a great printing service that is a wonderful partner for business. So let me tell you about these seven […]