More About the Author "killian.martha"

Author Nick: killian.martha

Articles by killian.martha :

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Business Card Designing and Printing Techniques

In today’s highly digital world, marketing a business has never been very critical. In order for a business to succeed, it has to touch on people’s emotion using integrated and influential campaigns to diverse audiences across technologies. Marketing actually involves a lot of analysis, from market search to people and competition analysis. This involves analysis […]

What is Your Angle in Your Marketing Posters?

What you have to understand about poster printing is that it is not just about creating the most beautiful print posters out there. For a true marketing poster to work successfully with an audience, you have to have a creative marketing angle to get them interested. So what is your angle in poster printing? Do […]

Custom-Made Presentation Folders for Your Business

Business owners spend a lot of time into business presentations. They want to leave a great impression on their potential business partners or target clientele. They want to make sure that they look, sound, and think professional. Aside from making a real good impression, they also want their materials support the business image that they […]

Print Posters the Easy Way

Printing posters can be fun and easy. One big project that can make your creative juices flowing and your mad design skills at work, poster making is one challenge that you need not to dread. Making art design projects are supposed to be F-U-N. So, roll up your sleeves and print posters the D-I-Y way. […]

Pointers in Poster Printing

Print posters can be considered art forms. They are done in a creative way, and are bound by aesthetics, balance, and symmetry, among other concepts as well as theories. Designers apply basic design principles in layout and design in making a poster, however small it is. As a result, a functional poster with an appealing […]