More About the Author "kimcardle"

Author Nick: kimcardle
Name: Kim Cardle
About the Author: One of the fastest growing areas of web design is iphone app development. We had our latest version created by this iphone app developer Melbourne based business.

Articles by kimcardle :

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iPhone Apps For Your Business

Building iPhone apps is a highly complex process and one that is best done through an iPhone development company. While it is possible to download the software necessary to begin programming for iPhone or android, it requires an understanding of objective C (the programming language) and/or Java as well as a good understanding of the […]

The Rise Of iPhone App Development

When Apple unveiled the iPhone to the world in the year 2007, the company had no idea that they were unleashing a very powerful product that would change the definition of the term smartphone. The iPhone has come a long way since then, and has brought four versions to the market, each more successful than […]