More About the Author "kirti_saxena"

Author Nick: kirti_saxena
Name: kirti saxena
About the Author: I write articles

Articles by kirti_saxena :

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A quick and easy cycle repair guide

It is very important to understand the basic maintenance and repair tips for your bike, which can reduce the chances of repairing it frequently. It is in fact quite simple and can be done easily at your own garage. First you need to verify the problem area in the bicycle, which can be identified by […]

Bicycle parts should be taken care of for a smooth riding experience

Over a period of time any bike which is in regular use or not tends to become less efficient. After couple of years, there is no pleasure left in riding the old bike. If proper care is taken from time to time of all the different bicycle parts it is possible that even your old […]

Headlights for cycles are a necessity for a safe ride at night

Many mountain bikers face major problem of light while travelling in the dark. It is very important for night bikers to take safety precautions when riding in the mountains terrains or on the road.  There are several accidents happening on the road due to lack of sufficient light and bikers not being sighted by the […]

Bicycle cable locks are a must for your cycle

Every person who likes riding a bike should also know the ways to protect it. No matter how well a bicycle is secured, it can be stolen. Different bikes come with different locks, which are generally used to fasten the bicycle to a bicycle stand or other immovable objects. Some bikes come with wheel locks, […]

Online scholarship tests and Children’s Scholarship fund: A boon for needy students

Children who are talented and bring good grades should be given all the required financial support to become something in life. There are many children who could have earned good ranks in higher universities, but lack of financial support make them go through bad times and end up doing nominal courses. They are forced to […]