More About the Author "kirti_saxena"

Author Nick: kirti_saxena
Name: kirti saxena
About the Author: I write articles

Articles by kirti_saxena :

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Bianchi road bikes and its history

Cycling requires a lot of physical effort to attain speed, balance and distance coverage in relatively short time. All these factors can be easily achieved with an excellent road bike made to face the hurdles encountered while riding. Be it road biking or mountain biking one needs a high-speed, sleek, smooth riding bicycle to achieve […]

Basic difference between trekking bicycles and comfort bicycles

Cycling is the best form of physical exercises to stay fit. It is environment friendly and meant for all age groups. There are different types of bicycles designed for every age and weather conditions. No matter whether you are a casual rider or a professional cyclist a good and efficient bicycle will make a lot […]

Tips on how to gear up for that long cycle race

Many people practice for long hours before going for those difficult mountains cycling races or going on a bicycle tour. If you are also planning to participate in a cycle race or going on a long ride, make a list of things you will require in the expedition. One needs to understand the difference between […]

There are different types of kids cycles which come in different price range

Cycling is one of the favorite sports of children, they just like to hop on their bikes and enjoy with friends. Many people still remember their first cycle and their cycling experiences even when they grow old and a good bicycle can make it more memorable. Today market is flooded with options to choose from […]

Road cycling safety tips for young enthusiasts

leave you with a feeling of rejuvenation after every trip. The best part of this sport is that it is not limited to any particular age-group. Anybody can try it and do his bit to save mother earth from fuel emissions. Recent years have seen a lot of changes in cycling and the way younger […]