More About the Author "kirti_saxena"

Author Nick: kirti_saxena
Name: kirti saxena
About the Author: I write articles

Articles by kirti_saxena :

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All About Cargo Bicycles

Cargo bicycles are specially designed and built for the purpose of transporting large loads such as vending goods. It is mainly a normal bicycle modified to include a special cargo area. The cargo area consists of a makeshift flat platform, such as a wire basket or a steel tube carrier or even an enclosed or […]

How To Choose The Best Treadmill For Workouts?

A treadmill is an ideal workout equipment for those who are into cardio workouts. A treadmill can be used everyday indoors, irrespective of the weather, which is one of the greatest advantages. Brisk walking on a treadmill is an aerobic form of exercise, and walking for at least 20 minutes every day can work wonders […]

How To Choose Best Exercise Equipment According To Your Requirement

There are innumerable types and varieties or exercise equipment available in the market that cater to the myriad needs of those who practice strength training and cardiovascular workouts. The exercise equipment price can vary depending on the type of machine you are buying and the number of people likely to use it. For instance, you […]

Features Of Motorized Treadmills

A motorized treadmill is far easier to use than a manual treadmill. However, it is costly when compared to a manual treadmill, but most of the inexpensive treadmills are better suited for walking than running. Manual treadmills can cause excessive strain to your joints as you have to use your legs to move the belt. […]

Exercise Bike – Features And Characteristics

To maintain a healthy physique, it is very important to exercise regularly. Regular exercise has immense benefits and studies have shown that just 30 minutes of regular cardio can improve your lifespan by about 10 years, apart from preventing the onset of age-related diseases. The exercise bike is one way to ensure that you get […]