More About the Author "kwheelerx"

Author Nick: kwheelerx
Name: Katie Wheeler
About the Author: Hipru

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Sinus Headache Symptoms

There are some unlucky people who suffer from bad headaches resulting from sinusitis which is an inflammation that occurs in your sinus headache symptoms. Firstly though, it might be a good idea to figure out where the sinus is so you have a better understanding of why you’re suffering from sinus headaches. Basically, our sinus […]

Sinus Headaches

Not every headache is the consequence of sinus headache symptoms and nasal passage problems. For example, many patients visit an ear, nose, and throat specialist to seek treatment for a sinus headache and learn they actually have a migraine or tension headache. The confusion is common; a migraine can cause irritation of the trigeminal or […]

Sinus Headache Symptom and Remedy

Sinus headaches affect millions of patients every year, and they can become a regular problem for some patients.  Potentially very painful, sinus headaches can also be treated very effectively.  The earlier a sinus headache can be treated, the easier the course of treatment can be.  Sinus headache symptoms can be differentiated from normal headaches because […]

Sinus Headache Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Pressure build-up in the paranasal sinuses (the sinuses around the eyes, nose and cheeks) is the cause of sinus headache symptoms. A sinus pressure headache is similar to a tension headache. However, sinus headaches do not originate from the shoulders or the neck. Sinus headache pain is concentrated in the face or the anterior (front) […]