More About the Author "larskelsey"

Author Nick: larskelsey
Name: lars kelsey
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Some Easy Ways to Keep Your Home Cleaner and Tidier

Having a clean and tidy home is something that should not be underestimated. Of course we all know that keeping a home clean is an important way to improve hygiene, and that it can be embarrassing to invite friends around a home that is covered in rubbish and unwashed plates, but what you might not […]

Why Vacuuming is Not Enough

If you want to keep your floor looking good and your home looking as tidy as possible, then you may intend to go about this simply by regularly vacuuming and in fact this seems to make up the entirety of most people’s carpet cleaning routine. However just vacuuming on its own is nowhere near enough […]

How to Keep Your Carpet Clean

There are many advantages to having a carpet in a room. Compared to stone or wooden flooring, carpet is vastly more comfortable to walk on and much softer and this means that you can also enjoy relaxing on your carpet by lying down to play with the dog, and that you don’t have to worry […]

Carpet Cleaning: Four Reasons to Leave it to the Professionals

When it comes to keeping your home looking it’s best, there are many jobs that can be effectively performed on your own. There are other jobs however that are best left to the professionals and carpet cleaning is one of them. Hiring a professional carpet cleaning company to take care of your carpets leads to […]

The Unhygienic Particles in Your Atmosphere (And the Damage They Do)

If you have just given your property a thorough spring clean and gone around with dusters and vacuums, then you might be looking around feeling pretty pleased with your work – and you might even think that it is completely hygienic with surfaces so clean that you could eat off of them. Unfortunately for most […]