More About the Author "lauraclark"

Author Nick: lauraclark

Articles by lauraclark :

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Foucault And The Possibility Of Freedom

The sources selected for analysis discuss, evaluates and analyze the notion of freedom and responsibility in Foucault’s writings. The essay “The Great Demarcation” describes the relations between power and freedom and states that these are two important parts of effective politics and ethics.

Insulin Production Using Bacteria

Usually bacteria are considered to be harmful for human lives but the same bacteria can be used in a number of beneficial ways. Bacteria can cause diseases and spoil food but it could also be used for creating life saving elements like insulin. Bacterial cells are transformed and used in production of commercially important products.

The Hazards Of Low Carbohydrate Diets

Due to the craze about weight loss in the recent years; a number of people, particularly women, have been loading their diets with a lot of proteins and less carbohydrates, hoping that this will assist them in losing weight. Some professionals advice their clients to take low fat and low carbohydrates diets while others advice on the consumption of more proteins and animal fats

Classical Humanism In The Age Of The Renaissance

Michelangelo Di Lodovico Bounarroti Simoni was a renowned artist and established sculptor, who lived between 1475 and 1574. In facts the latter is perhaps the greatest and the most famous sculpture that the world of art has seen (Schiller, 1972:3). As a leader of the Italian high renaissance, his contribution on the development of the western art

Racism And Stereotypes

Stereotypes are common beliefs that are held against a certain group of people, social groups or to specific individuals. They are created by individuals against others as a result of making observations towards behaviours of a certain group of people, similarity in traits over a long period of time. It can either be good or bad positive or negative.