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Name: Hailey Marshall
About the Author: Hailey Marshall is a young aspiring creative writer has a passion for mobile phones and writes articles for small blogs in her spare time.

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A rundown of your options when it comes to paying for mobile phone usage

Different people look for different things in a mobile network. Some people may prioritise such factors as network coverage and features, whereas others may be more concerned with flexibility and keeping their costs down. When choosing a tariff, there are essentially three main options, which are pay as you go, short term contracts, and long […]

Keeping In Touch Despite the Distance

Taking the decision to emigrate and leave your country to travel thousands of miles is rarely a simple one, but each year hundreds of thousands of people do it. Notwithstanding the world wide web where communication all over the world is in theory like lightning, living thousands of miles from your family is always a […]