More About the Author "leochbattery"

Author Nick: leochbattery
Name: lissa huang
About the Author: I like to write something about news, life, or useful goods. I will tell you all I know, and if there is any problem in my articles, please let me know and I will edit it.

Articles by leochbattery :

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To Enjoy Golf Game, First Maintain your Golf Cart Battery

With the advent of the powered golf carts, the question of charging a golf cart battery came into the scenario. Before, gas powered golf cart only needs to add gas and then get started, while the electric golf carts run on batteries which are easy to maintain and use. However, you do need to keep […]

My Experience about Checking Golf Cart Batteries

It is well known that electric vehicles are all powered by electric energy, which is stored in the storage battery. According to different demand of different electric vehicles, the storage battery is also various. The clerk told me that my golf cart adopted the lead-acid storage battery, which is long service life. He also exhorted […]