More About the Author "lexorleslie"

Author Nick: lexorleslie

Articles by lexorleslie :

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Personal Development – A Key to Success and Personal Fulfillment

A lot of people are wondering on how they can get the most out of their lives and how they can improve their chosen careers. The answer is very simple – personal development. But how does it affect the life of an individual person? Personal development or self growth is the process of improving the […]

Steps to take to avoid Ipod related hearing loss

Like almost all noise related hearing loss iPod hearing loss or hearing loss from similar types of devices is something that is entirely preventable and discussing the steps you can take to do so is what this short article is all about. Taking the few minutes to read and absorb this article will go a […]

Hen Party Invitations – Things You Need To Know

Every hen party needs a great invitation simply because it adds a personal touch to proceedings before the event and there is nothing like being invited the old fashioned way with a nice card though the mail. But not just any old invitation will do. A nicely crafted and themed approach adds class and the […]

Sitting Is at the Root of All Kinds of Evil for Your Spine

In our industrialized society most people sit a majority of the time. We sit in the car and commute to the office, then we sit at work staring at a computer 4 hours and then we go to lunch and sit and eat. Then we go back to the office and sit another 4 hours […]

Hen Party Games To Get You In The Mood For A Fantastic Time

A hen party is a big deal not only for the bride to be but also for the attendees. Some may not have met each other before the event so breaking the ice is important to get everyone in the mood for a great time. Introuducing these simple games in to the mix can have […]