More About the Author "lexorleslie"

Author Nick: lexorleslie

Articles by lexorleslie :

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High Blood Pressure, Migraine Headaches and NUCCA

Recently, we took a look at what the research is showing regarding the connection between the upper cervical spine and blood flow to and from the brain and how that is an important factor in how trauma can induce conditions like Multiple Sclerosis and Migraine Headaches. And how when the traumatically induced upper cervical spine […]

Losing Weight the Old Fashion Way

Obesity is not a new issue, but it has never been a problem as big as what is seen today. The number of people, including children, which are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, is growing every year. This unsettling fact has prompted medical professionals to look at the eating and activity habits of people over […]

Harnessing the Advantages of Outsourced Telemarketing Services

There’s a pressure-cooker market environment out there. For one, business ventures need new leads to consumers amid highly competitive playing field. Consumer loyalty and product patronage need to be maintained, for another. These and more are traditionally addressed by telemarketing services which can now be readily outsourced to third parties. Current board room strategies indeed […]

Competing in a Global Market via BPOs and Telemarketing Services

Reinvent or perish, this is the predicament that most companies have found themselves in. With the accelerated pace of globalization at the turn of the 21st century, old business tools have to be reexamined and replaced in favor of better devices like telemarketing services. The world becoming a virtually contiguous market, on the one hand, […]

How to get Cheap Life Insurance

People are looking and finding for a cheap yet accessible life insurance in order to satisfy their needs. With today’s status of the economy, people are looking for a better solution that can provide benefits for them. People are looking for a cheap life insurance that can be used if a person suffered from an […]