More About the Author "lexorrod"

Author Nick: lexorrod
Name: rod ventura
About the Author: Learn helpful facts about health and welness.Concers About Health

Articles by lexorrod :

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Surviving The End Of The World, Surviving 2012

The 12th of December, 2012 is the date that several scientists all across the globe have predicted as the date for the end of the world. The source of this prediction is the Mayan calendar that the Mayans constructed many centuries ago as a complex calendar that seems rather mysterious for the researchers of today. […]

End of the World Predictions: Nostradamus Predictions

As 2012 nears, more and more people are being attracted to the rumors about the looming destruction of the world. In 2012, it has been said that earth will suffer its demise, causing immense and vast catastrophe all round. There are many predictions about the end of the world that has been around for many […]

T-shirt Design, The Urban Style

It is a fact that T-shirt symbolizes fashion.  All the time, different new brands of T-shirts are available in the market.  People like to wear them according to the changing trends.  T-shirt is an incorporated part of modern outfit.  This is the reason why there is no monopoly of certain companies in the market. There […]

2012 Movie – Overture To The End Of The World

As the year 2012 approaches, more and more people are starting to raise their concern about the dreaded end of the world 2012 news. People are starting to make false belief that next year will the year that earth and everything in it will be wiped away. Mass extinction is the worst phenomena that can […]

End of the World: Is it Real or Hoax?

Many people are aware of the news that the end of the world is coming near. Some even gave the exact date and time of the dreaded mass extinction. However, none of these are proven true unless the time will come. Different prophecies have been circulating around regarding the said end of the world thing. […]