More About the Author "Barry Knightly"

Author Nick: Barry Knightly
Name: Barry Knightly
About the Author: author

Articles by Barry Knightly :

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TV Monitors – LED or LCD TV Monitors?

Apart from the panel and the backlight technologies which give the LED TV and LCD TV monitors their sleek and excellent picture quality, there are other specifications and features that also should be considered when deciding on what monitor to buy. Aspect Ratio: Although there are arguments that support the use of 4:3 monitors, such […]

Smart TV Guide – Get Inside Your TV

Ever wondered exactly how your Smart TV works? How the internet is connected to your TV, how applications (apps) can be accessed and videos streamed? Read on to find out more. The latest must-have TV on the market today is one that enables the consumer to be connected to content on the internet. In other […]

How Smart do you want your TV to be?

The popular trend for merging entertainment systems and accessing everything online means that the next big thing is to upgrade your TV to a Smart TV so that you can access the internet and applications all in one place, and on a large screen, too. Find out how Smart TVs work. A Smart TV offers […]

3D TV Tips – The Ins and Outs of 3D TV

Been put off from watching anything in 3D through the fear of looking unfashionable in those red and blue cardboard glasses? Well, 3D has moved on. Find out how now. 3D TV is the newest home viewing technology to hit the TV market. This technology, while exciting, can be a little bit tricky to understand. […]

Buying a New Fridge: What do you want from your Refrigerator?

The humble fridge, what would we do without them? The new models on the market cater for many a different household, whether all they want to live off is frozen pizzas and chilled beer, or an array of fresh salad, yoghurts, meat and anything else you can possibly buy in the supermarket. If you enjoy […]