More About the Author "liefgene"

Author Nick: liefgene
Name: jullian peacemaker
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Examples Of Family Trees

Maybe your heart is into creating a family tree but, the task might be overwhelming for you. Maybe the only family trees you have seen look so complicated that they are hard to understand let alone create one. But building a family tree is easy if you are able to follow a format. After you […]

Researching Family Trees

Finding out where you come from, who your ancestors were or what they did starts from a very familiar place; yourself. Researching your family tree is not as hard as you think. It just takes some time and energy. In order to get the history of your family correct to create a family tree, you […]

Introduction To Genealogy

Genealogy is the study of one’s own family or their roots. It is not enough for some people to only know about themselves from the limited world they see. The possibility that your ancestor might be a knight from the Middle Ages or someone who was a hero fighting the revolution is an exciting adventure […]