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Author Nick: limoneauxxangaz

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Some Most Ordinary Causes of Diabetes

More people are being diagnosed with diabetes every day. Look at the people that you socialize with on a regular basis. Diabetes most likely is affecting at least on of them. If not, then there is probably at least one person who knows or is related to someone who has diabetes. While it is very […]

Some Causes of Diabetes and Your Role in Controlling them

Every day doctors and scientists learn more about diabetes and what causes it. Today we know more about this disease and its causes than in the past few decades. We know now that in addition to genetic and non controllable situations that enviromental factors also contribute to this disease. So what are some of the […]

Recognizing the Big Causes of Diabetes

Doctors used to think their was no way to predict who would get diabetes. Prevention was believed to be impossible. Over the years, however, doctors also started noticing that diabetes was happening more often in people who displayed certain genetic and personality traits. Diabetes and its causes is better understood today than ever before. Thankfully, […]