More About the Author "linda1205"

Author Nick: linda1205
Name: cui momo
About the Author: a girl from china

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Cultivation techniques of Anxi tie guan yin tea(2)

2. Fertilization technology in pollution-free tea garden A. Commonly used fertilizer in pollution-free tea gardens The fertilizer people use in the tee gardens can be divided into the following types: The first category, farm organic fertilizer, composting through fermentation to achieve sound health standards such as manure, compost and sometimes a small amount of fertilizer […]

Cultivation techniques of Anxi tie guan yin tea(1)

The Anxi tie guan yin tea in Fujian is now in pollution-free cultivation, while the most critical technical measure is to master the garden soil management and fertilization technology. 1.The technology of tea garden soil management a. Technical measures of soil tillage and effective roles The pollution-free tea garden emphasis much more on moderate and […]

How to identify pros and cons of Tie Guan Yin tea

1. Leaves manipulating. Both the light-fragrant and luscious-fragrant oolong tea require drying in the sun. Since the light-fragrant oolong tea needs a less extent of manipulation, the fresh fragrance would be difficult to be found if it’s without drying in the sun. Relative to the traditional Anxi oolong tea, the light-fragrant tea needs a moderate […]

Way of tie guan yin tea drinking

We all know that tie guan yin tea belongs to the oolong tea, so that now most people think that oolong tea is tie guan yin tea. That is a big mistake. Actually, there are some differences between oolong tea and tie guan yin tea. But what are they? Tie guan yin tea belongs to […]

Evolvement of Tie-guan-yin tea(2)

Origin and evolvement of the white tie guan yin tea The so-called white tie guan yin tea in Tang&Song Dynasty is made of the leaves from the occasionally found white tie guan yin tree, which is different from the white tie guan yin tea developed without frying or kneading. When in the Ming Dynasty, there […]