More About the Author "linsma"

Author Nick: linsma
Name: Linda Smallwood
About the Author: Linda Smallwood, an article writer in software and other IT fields.

Articles by linsma :

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How to Boot from USB If You Forgot Windows 7 Password

For Windows 7 computer users, the top question you would see in forums are just like this: How do I set the bios from usb when I use a Windows password recovery tool to recover my lost windows 7 password? A lot of people from all over the world met the same problem of forgetfulness. […]

4 Most Workable Windows Password Recovery Tools

Have you ever locked out of your laptop or notebook as you cannot remember the Windows login password? Have you cost lots of dollars by resorting to guys at the repair shop to bypass your lost Windows password? Have ever regained access to your locked computer at expense of your valuable data via Windows installation? Well, […]

Windows 7 Forgot Password Problem?

Question: My dad forgot his windows 7 password login on his new laptop. He’s the only one with an account so he is the admin. We didn’t set up a reset password disk so we can’t use that. Does anyone know a way to fix this or reset the password without reinstalling windows? Best answer: […]

3 Different Disks for Windows 7 Password Recovery

Most Windows operating systems have a password feature that allows users to keep their work private from other users on the same system. Windows 7 is one such OS. A user having problems logging in to his account on a Windows 7 computer may want to try and reset Windows password. There are a couple […]

The Best Windows Password Reset tool – Windows Password Unlocker Enterprise

If you neither find a password reset disk nor an accessible administrator account when you forgot one of your Window user passwords, your best option is to use Windows Password Unlocker Enterprise to reset the forgotten password and regain access your computer again. Of course, you can also choose to reinstall Windows, but it will […]