More About the Author "lisabeverley"

Author Nick: lisabeverley
Name: Lisa Beverley
About the Author: Myself Lisa. i m a freelancer. I also provide Health Information Article, Internet Marketing Article. etc.

Articles by lisabeverley :

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Natural remedies for sleep? Sleeping Beauty and the Queen of plant extracts

Once upon a time the good fairies gave him his blessing: “Your beauty goes beyond simple physical fitness … you will be blessed with a beautiful radiant skin … hair … bright eyes … quick wit .. . a balanced heart … grace … patience …. strength … humor … life … joy “…. And […]

Relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and health conditions with aromatherapy

In 1937, a chemist named Rene Gattefosse discovered the Marica-healing ability of lavender oil on the burns of the skin. He got the term aromatherapy. Since then the term has been used worldwide to describe plant oils and herbs with effects of holistic healing. There is a science behind aromatherapy really is capable of healing […]

What are hydrolats aromatherapy, and why they are useful for health?

Hydrolates – also known as hydrosols – described as “the next Aromatherapy. They are safer than essential oils, most easy to use and softer. But what exactly are hydrolats? Most essential oils are produced by a process of steam distillation. Here’s how: It takes a lot of, for example lavender stalks and put them in […]

Workplace Anxiety – Natural Stress Relief strategies for the workplace

The workplace can cause stress on a regular basis. The ordinary of daily interactions with coworkers, the urgency to meet deadlines and the increasing workload of a single employee has to manage anxiety can cause real and immediate and tension on a regular basis. This repeated stress is not healthy and can extend to other […]

Reduce stress consistent with these easy to follow tactics

The most common type of stress is never ending and takes place due to the emotions of being beaten again and again with the relaxation does not exist. There are many causes of chronic stress, work at a job you hate a neighbor annoying, but the results are so disastrous. That’s why you need to […]