More About the Author "lissawillem"

Author Nick: lissawillem
Name: lissa willem
About the Author: writter

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A brief synopsis about the benefits of solar systems

In today’s modern age of advancement, we are daily introduced to newer technological developments that definitely help make our life more relaxing and comfortable. But to use these devices, electricity is a must need that has become an indispensable part of our daily life. With globalization ruling the roost of the age, there is no […]

How can I ever go on holidays and leave my one man business?

The sole business operators find themselves in a real bind when time comes to take a bit of a break and to leave the work behind. Future life depends on new business as well the current ties but to leave the phone unanswered or worse still with untrained friends and family presents a real dilemma. […]

Communication System Is the Main Operating Force for the Civilization

From ancient period people understood that the good communication system can only lead to the development of a place and hence the development of the world. In all civilizations people built handmade bridges to establish connection between two places. Later on, with the invention of wheel the communication system got a go and it never […]

Sun the Creator of the Universe

The Sun is the main energy centre of the universe. It is the main reason for lives on Earth and the huge developments that have taken place in the world. It is figure of mythological, mystical and scientific importance with a long history. The Sun and the Moon are the oldest of all mythological symbols. […]

Customs of the Big Fat Punjabi Wedding

Wedding is a grand ceremony in India. The Indian vow exchange, specially the traditional Hindu one the most elaborate of all the races in the world. The pre wedding rituals continue for 7 to 12 days in every Indian state. The North Indian weddings ceremonies are generally longer than South Indian marriages. Punjabi rituals are […]